Battle Creek High School Alumni
Classmates Update Photos Personal Update Form

  Reunion Planning Progress  

Below is a list of our Reunion planning and our progress. If you see something you'd like to help with or something you'd like to participate in, whether as a volunteer or as a participant, please let the appropriate parties know. (And if you see something else that is missing from this list, please let me know.)

If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Morgan or fill out the box below.

Tasks                                               Volunteers   Progress
"Save this Date" Notices Morgan Sent out in March - 8 filled out postcards back so far (4-10-04).  
Write Questions for Invites Yeisha
Concepting stage.  
Design and Send Out Invites Angie Will be done at later date.  
Judge Questions for Invites Yeisha
Will begin after invites have been sent out, and returns start coming in.  
Donation Cooridinator Open for Grabs You will be responsible for collecting donations for event as a whole (door prizes for events, etc.), assisting the Scrable Prize Coordinator and others.  
Lodging Cooridinator Yeisha This person will compile a list of available lodging (prices, accomodates, addresses, phone numbers, websites, etc.) for visiting classmates and their families and supply Angie and Morgan with your findings.  
Name Tag Designer Michaela She w ill scan in the photos of classmates (Senior Pictures) and create Name Tags for the 4 events. You will get the list of those attending each event from each Event Coordinator, and supply the Event Coordinators with Name Tags for their event.  
Treasurer Jennifer This person would collect the money for the reunion and work the the coordinators to pay deposits.  
Event Coordination      
Friday Bar Event:      
Event Coordinator Dusty This person will coordinate the event and all volunteers within this event.  
Check on drink deals at local bars Dusty Coyote Bar & Grill in BC has been selected to host the event.  
Check on taxis and setting up Designated Drinkers Yeisha This person will be responsible for getting information on cabs and recruiting DDs for the event.  
Saturday School Tour Event:      
Event Coordinator Jennifer This person will coordinate the event and all volunteers within this event.  
Schedule Coordinator Jennifer This person will coordinate a schedule for groups of classmates and their families who wish to tour the school.  
Tour Guide Coordinator School Secretary This person will coordinate and recruit school tour guides.  
Door Prize Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will work with the Donations Coordinator to find give-aways for classmates and their families attending (mostly for the kids coming). (Possible ideas: A BC sports temporary tatoos, tshirts, caps, pens, etc.)  
Saturday Afternoon Golf Event:   If you plan on golfing, please let Lisa S. or Yeisha know.  
Event Coordinator Yeisha This person will coordinate the event and all volunteers within this event.  
Checking on deals at golf courses Lisa S. Set up deal with Eldorado Hills for the Afternoon of August 7th.

$25 for 18 holes (cart included)
$15 for 9 holes
Scramble Coordinator Yeisha We will have a scramble for "partners" (for those who would like to participate, but may not feel that they are "good" enough to stand alone). I know we do this for work and my golf league and it is a lot of fun. Golf-Cart Chauffers are welcome too.

Prizes will be given for those of us who like to hang out on the beach (ie visit the sand traps or go swimming in a pond), finish with the highest score (not a good thing), get closest to the pin in 1 shot, etc.

Prizes will be presented at the dinner later during Saturday Dinner.
Scramble Prize Officiators Open for Grabs This person must play golf and work with Yeisha on rules and awarding.  
Scramble Prize Award Speakers Open for Grabs This person will be giving the awards away during dinner.  
Scramble Prize Award Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will work with Yeisha and cooridinate what will be given away as awards (golf balls, certificate, etc.)

They will also inform the Saturday Dinner Event Coordinator on who the winners who and how many winners there are.
Saturday Dinner Event:   If you plan on going to dinner, please let Lisa S. know.  
Event Coordinator Lisa Shepherd This person will coordinate the event and all volunteers within this event.  
Speaker Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will recruit speakers for the event; possible speakers include: a former teacher, a class officer (tributes), famous personality from our era, etc.

You will work with the Event Coordinator on topics for the speakers.
Schedule Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will schedule the events of the evening: speakers, tributes, who eats first, when prizes from golf and door prizes are awarded, etc.  
Entertainment Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will recruit entertainment for the event, possibly working closely with the Speaker Coordinator. Background music, DJs, photograper, etc.  
Momento Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will work with the Name Tag Designer, Donation Coordinator, and others to create momentos or door prizes for classmates. (Table Placecard designs, give-aways, etc.)  
Decorations Coordinator Open for Grabs This person will help coordinate all decoration volunteers (set-up and break-down crews) and supplies for decorating. (Speak to Lisa S. for information on table linens.)  
Decorations Crew Dusty
This person will work with the Decorations Coordinator to help decorate the dinner hall. And will be required to come a bit earlier for set-up or stay later for break-down.  
Door People Open for Grabs This person will check people in, give them their name tags and collect any money if needed.  
After the Reunion:  
Attendance - Thank You Letters Open for Grabs Send letter to all those who attended, thanking them for their support.  
Non-Attendees - Bio Booklet / Letter Open for Grabs Send letter to all those unable to attend, with copy of biography booklet.  
Reunion Report to Alumni Office Open for Grabs Send a brief report of reunion to the Alumni Office, with a list of attendees. Send any photographs, news, anecdotes, and copy of biography booklet to the Alumni Office, for the archives!  

  Upcoming Events:
10th Year Reunion

See Who's Coming:
Click here.

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©2003 Morgan Mann.