Battle Creek High School Alumni
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Alumni Tournaments
Slated for April 5th

The Battle Creek Booster Club Alumni Tournaments have been scheduled for one day only, Saturday, April 5, 2008 at Battle Creek High School.

Included in the tournament will be brackets for men's basketball, women's volleyball, and co-ed volleyball. All games are slated to be played at the high school facility.

A meeting to establish brackets will be held at 7 p.m., Friday, April 4, at the high school. To set up teams, contact Joleen Zohner for volleyball at 675-6101 or for basketball, call Terry Aldag at 675-4501.

All Battle Creek High School alumni and all members of the BC Booster Club are eligible to play. The Booster Club asks that information regarding these tournaments be passed along to classmates and friends who may be interested in the event.

Battle Creek High School


Past Events:
10th Year Reunion

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