Battle Creek High School Alumni
  Class of 1994
Classmates Update Events Photos Personal Update Form  

Battle Creek High School - Class of 1994

   Anlumni Tournaments is happening April 5th. If you're interested taking part, check out the events page.

Spring Cleaning: Take a minute to update your info if anything's changed or send over some pictures from the previous year to put up in our 2007 gallery.

Keep everyone up-to-date with your life, family, vacations, or latest news, shoot me an email (morgan(at) and tell me what to put under the photo(s).

Click to see bigger.

Senior Class, 1994

10th Reunion, Class of 1994 in 2004



Last Updated:
March 2, 2008

Recent Classmate Edits:
Angie Warner
Upcoming Events
Photos 2007
Photos 2008

Battle Creek Links:
Class of 1995 Site
BCHS School
High School Teachers' Email Addresses

Lifestyle Poll
New Year's Resolutions:
 I make/keep
 I make/
 don't keep
 I don't
 make them

Current Results

Past Questions Results Poll 1: Moving back?
Poll 2: HS ed./career
Poll 3: How many kids?

Give Feedback

Battle Creek High School, Class of 1994 ©2003-8 Morgan Mann.